Welcome to Paws Gone Wild
Our groomers have more than 30 years combined experience
Paws Gone Wild makes grooming a pleasant experience for your beloved pet as well as yourself. We bring our custom equipped mobile pet salon right to your front door.
No more wrangling up the pets and children to embark on a long grooming trip! You tell us the time and place & we will take care of the rest. You, the busy pet owner can rest assured that your beloved pet is well taken care of & not taken off your property & is immediately returned back to the garden to resume their "duties".
Paws Gone Wild is ready when you are. We provide our own hot water geyser and all the latest equipment to keep your pet as comfortable as possible. What we only need from you is access to an electrical outlet, water tap and a towel for each dog for sanitary purposes so as to not cross infect from pet to pet. Our van is nicer than most of the shops and there are no cages. We're proud to pamper your pet in celebrity style.
- Paws Gone Wild will always handle your beloved pet with the utmost love & respect
- Paws Gone Wild pets are groomed at their own home
- Paws Gone Wild pets don’t suffer from separation anxiety
- Paws Gone Wild staff are qualified and operate multiple vans. We are professional and each vans Head Groomer has at least 5 years experience
- Paws Gone Wild pricing is extremely competitive
What We Do
Our Mission
All we need from you
Every Pet Deserves Celebrity Care
- Access to an electrical plug point
- Access to a water point
- 1 towel per dog for sanitary purposes